Monday, September 27, 2010

Your First Blog!!

Alright folks. A lot of you have already started posting various things on your blogs. That's great!! Here is your first actual blog assignment. You don't have to do it right away. We'll start at one a week just to get your feet wet. I will check your own blogs on the weekend. Below is a little preamble to what you're about to see and read. Enjoy!

If you don't use Facebook, you've undoubtedly heard about it. Mark Zuckerberberg - the guy who invented it - is worth A LOT of money! There is even a movie about his life which is set to be released very soon. Scroll down to my links section below, and click "Zuckerberg Link". Read the really short article, and watch the clip. When you come back to your own blog, I would like you to consider the following...

1. What do you make of Mark Zuckerberg's life? According to the article, he is worth over 6 billion dollars. He rents a 2 bedroom bungalow. Why?

2. In the clip, Zuckerberg says, "Move fast. Take risks. It's ok to try big things. You're better off trying something and having it not work, and learning from that, than having not done anything at all. That philosophy is very deeply ingrained here." Is this a good philosophy for a company? For a person?

3. Zuckerberg claims that his appearance on Oprah was to announce a 100 Million dollar donation to Newark Schools. Do you think this philanthropy is genuine, or did he do this to coincide with the release of the "unauthorized", "fictional" tale of his life? Is this just good marketing?

You don't have to answer these questions directly, they're just a jumping off point to start a conversation. Blog about all of them, one of them, or none of them. Say what you want about the article and the video if you don't like my guiding questions. When you go to another classmate's blog to comment, remember the rules! Be courteous and respectful of the opinions of others! Have fun!


  1. So just to make sure; we have to comment on at least one other person's blog for marks, right?

  2. Do our comments have to be "educational" or cohere with the poster's blog? Or can we just write something stupid? Not that I'm planning on doing that...

  3. Think about what you just asked me. Do you really think i'm going to give you credit for writing "something stupid"? Your comments have to relate to what the person said in their blog. You should respond to their post.

  4. weeelll SORRRYY:P. Since we could have written anything as our first blog, I thought it was the same with the comments.

  5. i really have no idea how to use this
    just saying =)



  8. mumu isn't here soo..

  9. ^ Yea i was just going to ask too.
